Tuesday, October 30, 2012

PETA idiots

Before I get to the stupidity.  I will talk later on this week regarding information I just found out about.  The VA has lied to me for 30 some odd years and in a newly declassified report's information I firmly believe that Agent Orange  was directly used on me in Thailand.  They had told me in 1974 (Erie PA Va) that it wasn't ever used in Thailand. 

It will make more sense later when I talk at length about it and I have more in depth information.

Anyway on to the stupidity of the day....

Lordy Lordy . . . They gotta be democrats! !


  • PETA wants sign to memorialize fish killed in crash
  • An Irvine resident representing the group requests that the city place the sign recognizing the suffering of hundreds of saltwater bass that died at the spot.
An Irvine resident is requesting that the city install a sign to memorialize the hundreds of fish killed in a traffic crash in early October as they were being taken to Irvine Ranch Market.
In the letter, Dina Kourda, on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, asks the city's street maintenance superintendent to place the sign at the site of the crash on Walnut and Yale avenues.
Article Tab: fish-pounds-irvine-saltwa
Tow rig operators hook up to a truck that overturned Oct. 11 carrying 1,600 pounds of fish. The hundreds of pounds of saltwater fish shut down an Irvine intersection for hours while the mess was cleaned up.
The sign would read, "In memory of hundreds of fish who suffered and died at this spot," to remind tractor-trailer drivers of their responsibility to the animals who are "hauled to their deaths every day," according to the letter provided by PETA.
The crash occurred Oct. 11 when a truck, carrying 1,600 pounds of live fish and several tanks of pure oxygen, crashed with two other vehicles.
The oxygen was used to keep saltwater bass alive as the fish were being taken to market.
"Although such signs are traditionally reserved for human fatalities, I hope you'll make an exception because of the enormous suffering involved in this case," the letter read.
"Research tells us that fish use tools, tell time, sing, and have impressive long-term memories and complex social structures, yet fish used for food are routinely crushed, impaled, cut open, and gutted, all while still conscious. Sparing them from being tossed from a speeding truck and slowly dying from injuries and suffocation seems the least that we can do," the letter continued.
Kourda requests that the sign be placed at the edge of the right of way farthest from the road in order to prevent it from interfering with traffic.
Contact the writer: amolina@ocregister.com or 714-704-3795

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