Friday, March 30, 2012


Laziness just pure laziness keeps me from doing this everyday, as I should.

Spoke with *****************************************.  Suggested therapy to ******** and *********dismissed it because ******** said "they" said ************* was just being hormonal. **********************. 

Suggested direct confrontation **********************************but I gotta give ******* credit ********** wiggles out of it every time.

Saw the pulmonary doc yesterday.  Everything clear and I do not have to go back anymore.

Getting blood drawn today for the cancer doc and then seeing the coumadin doc.  Last week coumadin level was at 4.0 which was totally unreal.  Changed amount of the drug to take so wonder what it will be today.

For many years I have been able to stay out of the**********************.

REDACTED ON 19 July 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

17 Mar 12 - Sleep

Took shower and getting ready to go to the sleep center to renew my prescription for the mask.  Gotta say it does work but want to try other types of masks.  Since I lost an additional 20+ pounds current mask does not fit very well and it is a medium.
Then take all my dress shirts, new never worn jeans, and sweaters to Goodwill.  Never ever be the 180 to 200 lbs ever again.  Hell,  maybe even buy some new clothes there.

Then on to an electronics show where maybe we can find a sound bar for the Sony 55".

Amazing what I am able to accomplish in the running around when I don't eat.

Nice looking 1911......

And last but not least am still not able to deal ****************.  Wife has been trying to counsel me but I am just not very accepting at the moment.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Days from Hell

The last 2 days have been pure emotional hell.  How does one deal with learning about the*****************?  This occurred approximately 40 years ago and I am just learning about it. And on top of that **********************.  Am I supposed to say something to someone?  Am I just the shoulder to cry on? Sounding board?

First inclination ***************, second thought is to just keep my mouth shut and see how this all plays out, third thought is it even true?  Am inclined to believe it but with reservations....

How can I ever********************************?

THIS POST REDACTED ON 18 July 2012.................