Wednesday, April 29, 2015

When it rains it pours.

No sniveling here BUT if it ain't my luck.  I've known for a while I had a lump in my left boob but it was no big deal Until it started to hurt.  How I found out there was pain is when my little doggie jumped up to sit on my lap and he leaned against my chest and I felt the pain.  Goofy pain instead of being warm it felt cold.  Did nothing about it since I knew I had an upcoming primary care visit.

Well yesterday was the visit and I told the doc about the lump.  He did his touchy feely thing and said yep, there's a lump.  Things then got serious.

Anyway on Friday I am going to the radiology center (same one my wife goes to) and going to have a sonogram done with the possibility of a needle biopsy.

Told my wife last night if it is cancer I am going to enlist whatever/whoever  lawyers who work on behalf veteran's and hire them and go after the VA.  I've know about the cover up regarding agent orange since the VA released the documents in 2010.  I was station at Korat RTAFB in Thailand where agent orange was sprayed in the bomb dump while I was stationed there. 

I did not want the hassle, and believe me it would be dealing with the VA, of dealing with it since I have real good insurance etc etc after spending 33.5 years with the Air Force.  But I swear by all that is holy I will go bankrupt in going after the VA.

Gotta stop for now getting too wound up.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

2nd post today - This one about birthdays

My birthday is coming up on the 24th.  I need nothing and I want nothing.  Gonna have a quiet day - which, by the way, would be a normal day anyway.
Maybe play a little HALO - - smile

BUT I am going to sound mean spirited now.

My daughter's birthday is the 23rd.  Cool.... But so is my real brothers.  I have no wish to say happy b'day to him at all.  It has been 4 years 8 months since I came out of the hospital after having the heart attack and my intestines removed.

In all that time he has never asked me once how I was doing, NOT ONE FUCKING TIME.  I get it, I have nothing he needs and since our sister has died, nothing even close to something resembling a relationship.  In the beginning I called him twice to just talk but nothing out of him since.  I understand he lives in Ohio - I mean that is so far away and all but c'mon not even a Facebook message or a text, or a tweet.  Jesus have mercy on me.

I'm sorry I just can't be a good enough christian to let it slide.

Oh well.  So much for being a nice guy.............

I get it also that the above sounds clipped when you read it but I just don't feel like making it smoother..

Lost posts?

Seems like I have lost some postings.  Can't imagine where they went.  No, honestly, I know I did not delete them they are just gone.  I know I posted the March weight statistics for sure.  This will be my post for this AM.  Be back later

Thursday, April 16, 2015

September 2014 weight stats

My bowel movements have drastically changed since I have had all my teeth pulled out.  I started to eat (kinda/sorta) protein shakes using the  GNC Pro Performance® Mass XXX™ - Vanilla Milkshake protein mix.  Damn, this stuff is good.  I never would have EVER EVER EVER thought I would say something like that.

Simple shake consisting of 2 Banana's, teaspoon of peanut butter, 2-3 scoops of GNC, 1 cup whole milk, and whatever type of frozen berries we have on hand (although the cherries are best!), plus cup of ice  or 10 ice cubes.  Oh but they taste so good.........

Anyway, I am having a NORMAL (Oprah/Dr Oz) movement in the AM and who woulda thunk that.

Maybe one an hour later or so and then I am just like normal people.  Been like this for a month or so and you can see it is reflected in my weight stats.

Graphed out: