Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How horrible but why do I feel OK about this?

Company Sells Pork-Laced Bullets To Fight Islamic Terrorists

An Idaho ammunition manufacturer has developed a new line of pork-laced bullets they hope will fight against Islamic terrorists – and keep them from going to heaven. (Photo via Facebook page)

An Idaho ammunition manufacturer has developed a new line of pork-laced bullets they hope will fight against Islamic terrorists – and keep them from going to heaven. (Photo via Facebook page)

Dalton Gardens, Idaho (CBS SEATTLE) – An Idaho ammunition manufacturer has developed a new line of pork-laced bullets they hope will fight against Islamic terrorists – and keep them from going to heaven.

South Fork Industries of Dalton Gardens, Idaho, took traditional bullets and coated them in pork-infused paint to make them “haram,” or unclean, under Islamic law. The company’s website labels the “Jihawg Ammo” bullets as “Peace Through Pork” and a “peaceful and natural deterrent to radical Islam.”

“With Jihawg Ammo, you don’t just kill an Islamist terrorist, you also send him to hell. That should give would-be martyrs something to think about before they launch an attack. If it ever becomes necessary to defend yourself and those around you our ammo works on two levels,” the company said in a press release earlier this month.

The pink and black box bills the bullets as “Freedom’s first choice in defensive ammunition,” and says, “There’s Pig in the Paint.” There’s a related line of gear that feature slogans like “Put Some Ham in MoHAMed” and a target poster that says “Give Em a Spankin with some Bacon.”

But some religious experts debate the theory that the bullets would prevent a Muslim from attaining salvation should they be shot with the pork-laced ammunition.

“There is no penalty for coming into contact with pork given by the Quran,’ said Shannon Dunn, assistant professor of religious studies at Gonzaga University, in an interview with Religion News Service. “To my knowledge, Muslims, especially unknowingly, would not be banned from heaven for eating or getting hit by pork. There are some interpreters who suggest that Muslims should eat pork than starve, if faced with that alternative.”
The “Jihawg Ammo” Facebook page has amassed nearly 6,000 likes and hundreds of comments discussing the controversial ammunition.

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