Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Just thoughts on Family and an IPhone

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Bought an IPhone 4 S with a pretty Orange and Black case
Which means I finally got rid of the GZone after 10 years.  

On the holiday homefront my Brother in law, youngest sister and 3 kids were here over the Memorial day weekend and since they had to go to the Verizon store to get something taken care of we went along.  

Verizon was doing their wheeling and dealing stuff .. Told me I could trade in my old phone for just a regular IPhone for FREE.  Yeah well I fooled them I got the 4S so I could have SIRI to talk to.  An extra 50 bucks

Anyway thought this was gonna be easy phone to use being an Apple and all.  Pain in the arse but I got most of it figured out.

Still have to get the Verizon people take my old stuff off the GZone, Best Buy idiots could not do it.  Oh Yeah we bought it there instead of the Verizon store.  Better deal on the 4S.  $50.00 at Best Buy versus $100.00 at the Verizon store.  So money wise it was OK but taking info off the old phone did not happen and it still infuriatesd me about their incompetence.  Going to go to Sam's Club today to see if they can take the stuff off.

I was able to get all my contact's pictures onto the memory card but not any messages.  Some of those messages were from my sister, Donna, from right before she died.  So for sentimental purposes I want them active even though they will still be on the GZone.

One other small item.  I think my sister and her family should learn to mellow out.  Never ever seen such hyper active people and I'm not saying that because I am alone all the time but god are they loud and raucous. 

Plus ate too much and my ass paid for it . . You SBSers know what I'm talking about !  ! !

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