Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas eve

Well here we are again only this year is a 100% better than last year.  Last year at this time I was laying in a hospital bed with a tube sticking out of my back.  It was draining fluid out of my left lung so needless to say I was not doing very well and was down to 122.5 lbs.  What a difference a year makes.

Thought you might like to know - -

 Santa suit sellers: Claus getting fatter

LOS ANGELES (UPI) -- Sellers of Santa suits, including Adele's of Hollywood, said the jolly old elf has been packing on the pounds over the past few years.

Adele Saidy, owner of Adele's of Hollywood, said she has been selling custom Santa suits to Kris Kringles the world over for the past four decades, and the largest size suit she makes has increased from a 50-inch waist when she started to 76 inches this holiday season, ABC News reported Friday.

"They are getting larger and larger," Saidy said. Last year and this year, 25 percent of my Santas -- oh, I don't want to say it -- they are really overweight.

Fellow St. Nick costumer said its largest suit in 1996 was a 2X, accounting for about 12 percent of business, and it now offers a 4X, with plus-sized suits accounting for one-third of all business. 

and if you are tracking Mr Clause's  route:

 New options available for Santa-tracking

COLORADO SPRINGS (UPI) -- Anyone who wants to take part in the time-honored custom of track Santa's progress on Christmas Eve choose from multiple Santa-tracking services this year.

Longtime Santa-tracking partners North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, and Google parted ways and each is offering a tracking service, the Los Angeles Times reported Saturday.

NORAD, based in Colorado Springs, has paired up with Bing Maps for a 2-D Santa-tracking display, as well as Cesium to show a 3-D version of Santa's progress. The system will be available online, as well as in application form for Windows, iOS and Android phones.

NORAD's Santa hotline, (877) HI-NORAD, will be functioning as of 2 a.m. Christmas Eve for those with questions about where the jolly elf is.

Google is offering its Santa-tracking application available at

Santa-tracking began in 1955 when U.S. Air Force Col. Harry Shoup -- who was director of operations for the agency that became NORAD -- began receiving calls from children trying to reach Santa. A local Sears store had set up a Santa hotline but misprinted the number in its catalog, sending calls about Santa to Shoup.

The agency has been tracking Santa for the public ever since. 

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