Had a meeting with my new primary physician. Supposed to be only 40 minutes but we went well beyond that time constraint. Am not easily impressed with doctor's primarily because of the "beneath the surface" arrogance they had the tendency to show. Anyway, not only do I like her but the first thing she targeted was the malnutrition issue. With only 6 foot/feet of small intestine I just don't get the absorption most normals get.
Started sub-lingual vitamin D and B-12 and liquid vitamins (not quite a yuck but close)
An example of the stuff I take 4 times a day.
- Vitamin D - 50,000. units - 1 capsule once a week but am now starting to supplement that with Vitamin D3 at 5000 IU 2 times a day.
- Potassium chloride SA (Klor Con) 2 @ 2 times a day.
- Coreg - 400 mg 1 @ 2 times a day
- Magnesium Chloride 2 Tabs 3 times a day
- Vitamin B12 - she gave me a shot while in her office and am now, in addition, doing B-12 dots sub-lingual twice a day.
- Ferrous Gluconate - 480 mg 3 times a day
- Lomotil -5 mg 2 pills 4 times a day.
- Codiene Sulphate - 4 times a day 30mg
- Lisinopril - 1 2.5 mg tablet a day
- Aspirin 81 mg once a day
- Multi Vitamin once daily
- Liquid vitamins - once a day
- Vitamin B Complex by mouth daily
- Lipitor - 10 mg once a day.
- Warfarin mouth daily as directed
- Vitamin K oral at bedtime
- Coreg 3.125 mg 1 by mouth 2 times a day
- Cyanocbalamin 1000 mg injection once a month
Gotta take the doggy to the groomer today and then my neck sonogram taken.
Anyway what I really started to put down was how much weight I lost the other night. I weighed in at 147.5 but went to the bathroom so many times that night, until 9 the next morning, my weight went down to 143.8. It was all water with very little solids. Made for a tough night. So yesterday my body ached so bad that I went back to bed just a little after 9 and stayed there until about 1:45 in the afternoon then realized I really had to get up. Get up I did but my body hurt so bad it was like if someone beat me with a baseball bat.
Today I feel better fer sure. No breakfast or lunch today because I have to do the running around. Now 11 am and I am hungry ! ! ! !
Balloon Fiesta is going on...
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