Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Feds Just Shot An Oregon Protester. Is there a lesson here?

When will they come for you?  I'm scared shitless that I might do something (hell, I don't even know all of my rights - if that matters anymore) What if inadvertently say something big brother doesn't like - hell I'm a nobody.  No one would even know I'm gone...  Even Fox Mulder and Scully won't even be able to help me..

So the feds finally got their men.
On Tuesday, the FBI and Oregon State Police pulled over nine militia members who had taken over a federal building in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to protest the unjust jailing of Steven and Dwight Hammond. The militia members included outspoken anti-federal bureaucracy activists Ammon and Ryan Bundy, members of the Bundy clan that faced down the Environmental Protection Agency in Nevada last year. 

As NBC News reports:
Officials had been waiting for an opportunity to arrest the group’s leadership away from the refuge to minimize the potential for violence, a senior law enforcement official told NBC News. The nine activists were traveling in two vehicles 45 miles outside of the refuge when the FBI and Oregon State Police pulled them over, the official said. Some tried to get away, then there was gunfire. Arizona rancher LaVoy Finicum, 54, was killed in the shooting, his daughter told NBC News. Ryan Bundy was injured, the official said. It was not year clear who fired the shots. Reportedly, Bundy and Finicum were the only two members of the group not to immediately surrender.
Finicum left 11 children and 19 grandchildren.
Finicum’s daughter, Challice Finicum Finch, said that her father had told her he would not pull a gun first on law enforcement. “We all thought it would end, but not like this,” she said. “My dad did stress that they couldn’t pull a gun on them [officers] unless they pulled a gun. They were all committed to not firing on federal agents.” Filicum told NBC News on January 6, “There are things more important than your life, and freedom is one of them. I’m prepared to defend freedom.”
NBC News reports that law enforcement have now set up checkpoints along key routes in and out of the Malhear National Wildlife Refuge.
The Bundys were supposed to meet with authorities at 6 p.m. in John Day, a nearby town; the shootings happened at 4:25 p.m. according to the FBI. Finicum told The Oregonian the day before his killing that “the tenor has changed, [law enforcement] have become more hardened…They’re doing all the things that show they want to take some kinetic action against us, and we’re saying, ‘Why be so unfriendly?’”
So, here’s what we don’t know: who initiated the shooting; why the authorities scheduled a meet with the Bundy group, only to arrest them on the way to the meeting; whether the feds planned to arm up or precipitate a conflict, as Finicum suggested in advance; and most of all, why somebody had to die so that the government could prove that wrongfully-imprisoned farmers the feds want to push off their land should remain in jail.
If somebody pulls a gun on the authorities, they should expect to be shot, obviously. The danger of the Bundy protest was always that the feds would get aggressive.
But it is worth noting the selective aggression of the federal government here. When college students take over government-owned buildings, the feds are nowhere to be found; the President of the United States justifies riots in places like Ferguson and Baltimore. If a few ranchers take over an empty federal building in the middle of nowhere, however, that’s worth drawing out the protesters and then risking a shooting.
As government grows larger, such run-ins will become more common. That’s particularly true when those targeted by the government have no association with an important political constituency. The Hammonds aren’t a national issue because they’re ranchers fighting the Bureau of Land Management, not blacks in Ferguson fighting the “white establishment.” The Bundys claim that LaVoy Finicum “had his arms in the air” when he was shot, but there will be no mass movement, no protest photos on CNN -- an ironic counterpoint to the national movement that sprang up in the aftermath of the fully fictionalized account of thug Michael Brown’s death at the hands of Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson.
Every law is enforced at point of gun. Finicum knew that. So do we all. But his death should remind us that before we regulate selling “loose” cigarettes or the ability to feed your cattle in public areas, before we hand power to bureaucracies, before we go along with another “meaningless regulation,” we ought to take stock of the fact that someday, somebody might lose their life to resist the consequences of such government action.
We ought to ask: is this law worth it?

Wonder what my grandparents would have to say.....

Seriously?  This is what America has to deal with!  Now I realize that on the Republican side there are some serious and  intelligent candidates running for office and not so much on the Democratic side.  Sanders - Clinton - - get serious.

I am ashamed and appalled in the direction this country has gone.  AND the only folks we can blame is ourselves.  We raised these bunch of self-entitled brats .... AAArrrrrgggghhhhh

The 10 most loyal demographic groups for Republicans and Democrats

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Paranoia is FOR REAL - Flat Out Unconstitutional

I do political cartoons 'cause they are funny and I am anti-Democrat. It's a money thing....  but this news story (for the first time) scares me to death.  I really am glad I am towards the end of my life because, I think, this is another brick in the wall with the breakdown of America.

Read the article and decide for yourself what direction this nation is headed towards.

Bundy vs BLM Standoff 2.0

A situation similar to the one which occurred at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada is now taking place in Burns, Oregon. The Bundys were the last holdouts of over 50 Ranching families who were run off their land by burdensome federal regulations and taxes. This was all part of a scheme by Harry Reed to make a land deal with the Chinese to build solar power farms. The Bundys held out and after the unconstitutional Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) used SWAT teams to round up the Bundy cattle, a large group of militia formed from all over the country and forced the federal government to back off and return the cattle.
In Burns, Oregon, father and son ranchers, Dwight and Steven Hammond, came under assault by the federal government in a slightly different way. Like the Bundys, they leased federal land for grazing around their ranch. The unconstitutional way that the federal government grabs up land and then leases its use back to We The People is the subject of long debate.
The Hammonds purchased their ranch in 1964 along with leases and water rights on public lands around it. The federal government bought up all of the other ranches in the area in the 1970s and handed the land off to the Fish and Wildlife Service. They have been after Hammond’s land ever since. The Hammonds have suffered almost 5 decades of harassment from the federal government in various forms, such as The Fish and Wildlife Service barricading public roads the Hammonds used and fencing off their water supplies.
The Hammonds had problems with wild fires and invasive plant species. They addressed these problems with controlled burns, to mitigate the risk of wild fires and invasive plants going out of control. The federal government brought charges against them. Everyone is thinking they were arson charges, never mind the fact that arson is not a crime that Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution allows Congress to legislate. The Constitution leaves almost all domestic criminal justice to the states.
The Hammonds weren’t charged with arson by the federal government. First, they were immediately arrested and charged with various crimes, such as arson by the State of Oregon. It was determined that the charges didn’t warrant prosecution and all charges were dropped. Five years later  the federal government charged the Hammonds with terrorism under the Federal Anti-Terrorism Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996!  Yes, they are charged with terrorism for helping Smokey The Bear.
The terrorism charge carries a 5 year minimum sentence, but the federal judge on their case gave them shorter jail terms, saying that long of a sentence would “shock the conscience.” He also said it violated the 8th Amendment by being cruel and unusual. Dwight Hammond served 3 months and his son Steven served a year, because he was convicted of multiple counts. They were both given 3 years of supervised probation after their sentences.
After they served their shorter sentences The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals unconstitutionally threw out the shorter sentences and mandated the 5 year minimum sentence. The Hammonds were also ordered to pay the BLM $400,000.  They’ve paid half if it and were ordered to pay the remainder by the end of 2015 or lose their ranch.  This is double jeopardy. They had already served the sentences they were given for the crimes of terrorism they were found guilty of.
Ammon Bundy learned about the situation and he met with the Hammonds to offer support. The Hammonds were planning on simply turning themselves in on January 4th, to comply with the second sentencing for the terrorism crimes they already served time for.
On Saturday morning of January 2nd, 2016, a peaceful protest was held in Burns, Oregon in support of the Hammonds. Afterward, 150 militiamen along with Ammon Bundy and two of his brothers, split off and went to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and occupied the Federal Headquarters there, which is used by The Bureau of Land Management. This was a peaceful occupation, of course. The leftist rancor over this issue, calling it terrorism, is outlandish and ignorant. Unlike the left wing “Occupy Wall Street,” no one is being raped or urinated on.
The Hammonds still plan on turning themselves in at this point, but the Bundys and militia intend on continuing to occupy the National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters Building as well as taking over the BLM Fire Department building, which is currently vacant.  They are making the stand to put a stop to the tyranny that is plaguing the residents of Harney County.  They have exhausted every possible legal means to seek redress and have had every application and petition to law enforcement, sheriffs and all levels of government flatly ignored.  The people just want to be free and left alone to prosper as they have for over 100 years, without the shackles of federal tyranny being clamped upon them.
Ammon Bundy is calling for more people to come join them in Harney County.  In this Video, Ammon Bundy says, “I am asking you to come to Harney County, to make the decision right now, of whether this is a righteous cause or not, whether I am some crazy person or whether the Lord truly works through individuals to get His purposes accomplished.  I know that we are to stand now and that we are to do these things now or we will not have anything to pass on to our children.  That they will be placed under the same exact measures that the Hammonds have been placed under.  And I ask you now, to come to Harney County to participate in this wonderful thing the Lord is about to accomplish.  And I say those things to you and I’m grateful to have such great friends and I look forward to seeing you.  Thank you.
If you haven’t already, please click the video link above.  For a far more detailed timeline of the unconstitutional actions taken by the federal government against the Hammonds over the last half a century, go here: The Conservative Tree House.
Jan 4th Update: Reporters get tour of the Malheur Refuge buildings that are being occupied.  Notice the respect they have for the property compared to all of the liberal occupations of public property, which were strewn with litter, vandalism, urine, and feces. KOIN 6 Reporter gets Tour of Maheur Wildlife Refuge Buildings.
Update, Jan 24, 2016:
Three weeks into the occupation of an empty lodge in the middle of the forest, Ammon Bundy and is fellow ranchers still haven’t burned down any buildings, set cop cars on fire, thrown molotov cocktails, blocked traffic, looted stores, raped anyone, or murdered civilians and cops.  If they are supposedly terrorists, they have a lot of savagery to commit before they catch up with Black Lives Matter or the Occupy Wall Street deadbeats.
As it stands now, Ammon Bundy says that he is willing to talk with FBI, but still doesn’t recognize their authority in the matter and considers it an issue for the sheriff to solve.  The federal government is the problem, not the solution.
Oregon’s Governor, Democrat Kate Brown, is complaining that the occupation has cost Oregon tax payers half a million dollars.  No Kate, the FBI and BLM occupation of Burns, Oregon is what costs you money.  The ranchers haven’t sent you a single bill or caused one bit of damage to any property that would cost tax payers a dime.  Want to save money, send the FBI and BLM home.  But that’s not how Kate sees it.  She asked Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey to “to end the unlawful occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge as safely and as quickly as possible.”  In other words, a State Governor is deferring her authority to unconstitutional agencies and asking them to come in guns blazing.  This woman is sick and Oregon residents should be ashamed of themselves for electing her.  Governor Brown could end this with the stroke of a pen by writing pardons for Dwight and Steven Hammond and releasing them from prison.
Ammon Bundy responded to the unconstitutional request of the Governor by saying, “It just again shows the ignorance of some of our elected officials.  It’s just amazing that she would just disregard the Constitution to the point where she would think it would be OK to give the federal government that authority to come in and take some dynamic action or something like that.”
It should be noted that during Bundy’s occupation of the Wildlife Refuge, his group has been performing repairs on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge property and structures, addressing fire hazards in the firehouse, and assisting local ranchers with maintenance.  Their actions have been the exact opposite of any liberal rally or demonstration in U.S. history.  Never has there been a location that was left in better condition by liberals who have demonstrated there.  Accused of being terrorists by the left, all this group has done so far is peaceably assemble on vacant public land.  Exercising this right and their right to bear arms outrages the left, because they simply do not understand what rights are or why we have them.  Liberals are allergic to liberty.
Update, Jan 27, 2016:
Ammon Bundy and 7 others were arrested and one rancher, Robert “LaVoy” Finicum was killed in an FBI operation when they were pulled over while traveling to a meeting in Burns Oregon.  The details are sparse, but what is clear is that Ammon’s brother Ryan was also shot in the arm.  The arrested ranchers are charged with “conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties.”  In other words they are charged with committing no crime other than not wanting to be harassed by the FBI and BLM who couldn’t find a crime to charge them with.
Ammon Bundy said that Finicum was shot three times while peacefully complying and with his hands up.  There were six witnesses.  It appears that the only guns discharged were those of the FBI.
Robert “LaVoy” Finicum leaves behind a wife and 11 foster children.
U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley (Democrat-Oregon) congratulated the FBI and said, “I am pleased that the FBI listened to the concerns of the local community and responded to the illegal activity occurring in Harney County by outside extremists.”  Oregon should be ashamed of electing this man to the U.S. Senate who is pleased that a man is now dead who was guilty of no more than peaceable assembly.
When the L.A. Times infomed Cliven Bundy, Ammon and Ryan’s dad, he said, “Isn’t this a wonderful country we live in?  We believe that those federal people shouldn’t even be there in that state, and be in that county and have anything to do with this issue.  I have some sons and other people there trying to protect our rights and liberties and freedoms, and now we’ve got one killed, and all I can say is, he’s sacrificed for a good purpose.”
AMP (Anna Maria Perez)
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Friday, January 22, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Democrats strike again....

This is the crap you have to put up with living within a 3rd world country Like New Mexico
Now I know I have chosen to live here and I know what that sez about me but DAAAAAMMMNNN

 progressive/liberal/democrats  ! !  !!  How does plain old common sense evade them time after time after time?

Department of Defense announces New Mexico ID restrictions

SANTA FE, N.M. —The U.S. Department of Defense says it will no longer accept New Mexico driver's licenses at its installations nationwide.

Defense Department officials announced Wednesday that driver's licenses from New Mexico - along with those from Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri and Washington state - can't be used as proof of identity to enter its bases.

The move comes after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security declined to give New Mexico an extension on complying with tougher rules under the federal REAL ID Act. Those rules require proof of legal U.S. residency in order for state driver's licenses and IDs to be valid for some federal purposes.

Sandia Labs, White Sands Missile Range and Fort Bliss also said this month it would stop accepting New Mexico IDs.

New Mexico lawmakers are set to begin debate Thursday on a REAL ID fix.

Say Thank You to our soldiers.

Hope you are able to figure it out...

For those Blacks (Oh what the hell for those dumb ass white crackers also) that vote Democratic

You want ISLAM - - I hope to hell you get it...

Look evil in the face !

Monday, January 18, 2016



2 for the price of 1

If you support this witch what does that really say about your moral and ethical values.  Go ahead and justify yourself you moron ! !  !