Sunday, November 22, 2015


Weighed 164.5 this am after the first morning constitutional.

What the hell is happening to my body?  November the 2nd I weighed 159.0 and I was concerned over the weight gain.  And now.............................

Me buddy wanting to play !  ! !

Monday, November 2, 2015

October 2015 Weight stats

Small note.... Got a new GI doctor.  Ran out of Lomotil and Codeine.  Requested refills 1 week prior to running out.  F'ing new doctor's office staff, nor him, have called the pharmacy to confirm the Lomotil dosage nor prescribed the Codeine.

Am abso-frikken-lutely in pain, ass hurts, intestines writhing, diarrhea, tired.

What the f have I done to deserve this kind of service and I don't even have Oboma care.........
