Thursday, January 29, 2015


Weight is 157.5

2nd day in a row woke up and was in NO, I repeat NO pain.  The healing on my right thigh in the groin area has finally scabbed over.  Scabs have formed that are not being pulled off of the scar.

It is nice to walk around and have no pain.

Saw primary care doc yesterday.  Since 'MY CHART" is goofed up (long story but will leave it at that).  Nurse and the doc got stuck on the tests outlined in my chart that were directed at the diabetes portion.  Told them they were not reading/understanding what occurred on 10 July 2010.

Hey when ya go from 203 lbs to a 122 lbs one of the problems I had went a away. No longer take Metformin, no longer have to check my sugar. et etc.

Damned if they didn't believe me and did the glucose test on me.  Result was a 4.7.  They drooled all over that.  Being a little bit of an ass I said "I told you so".

Gonna be snow showers tonight .... sucks. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jan 2015

I can't believe that I have just plain forgotten about this blog.  Would I say that is because it has overshadowed by events?  Would I say the self-pity portion of my soul caused me to forget?  After all, this is supposed to be where I whine and cry tand try o relieve myself of the emotional baggage I carry around. (if, indeed, I have such baggage)  At this point I really care.

PLUS it has been snowing here and I KNOW I HAVE Seasonal Affected Disorder.

God How I hate snow   or rather the COLD.....
Poor me....

Lets see:  July had all teeth pulled and have store bought teeth created.  Bottoms fit and work great but the top dentures suck.  Really, seriously, honest.  When I talk they whistle. Anyway have to go back to the dentist.  They are aware of of but the holiday got in the way plus the operation in December.

Yeah, in the middle of December, I went in for an operation that should have lasted at the most an hour 1and a half to unblock my femoral artery in the right leg, but lasted 5 1/2 hours.  Damn....

They put a stent in my left leg but tore my right leg apart.  Have an 8 inch scar and been fighting the infection around the stitches.  Talked with the doc about it but so far been able to deal with it via a topical anti-bacterial cream.  

I think today might be the last time I use the cream and leave the would open to the air to help heal it.
Gonna put a couple of pics that do not do justice to how back and blue my whole leg became.

Ok, done for now..