Thursday, September 18, 2014

Just another lazy good for nothing day........

Weighed 158.2.  Starting to become a porker.

Separated every shirt I own into 3 categories:  Winter, Summer, and in-between.

Cleaned and ironed EVERY winter shirt I own.

Mowed and weed-whacked all the yards.

Washed & dried, every dish we own.  Not 1 dirty dish or utensil in the house but wait:

Still going to have cook dinner.  Simple hamburger helper but more dirty dishes.  That crap is never ending.

Love my made up protein shakes like this one from yesterday:

1 banana (normally 2)
1/2 cup Vitamin D milk (normally 1 cup)
4 oz Mott's applesauce
2 tablespoons honey, 
1 cup mixed berries (also have and use  Blueberry, Strawberry, Peaches, Cherries, and Blackberries)
2 (normally 3) scoops GNC Mass XXX vanilla 
1 cup (10) ice cubes
Even published it on Instagram....

Now going to watch a movie: Mortal Instruments: Blood something or another

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

16th of do month

No sleep and now grumpy.  What's new you ask yourself... Oh well.

Been rainy yesterday and today gonna be more like it.

New Facebook image.....

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 7th, 2014

Yeah I know it is September.  Time just flies...

Last weight chart was in June.  I'll get around to posting later.  Had all my teeth pulled and ended up being a good thing which I will explain sometime later.

Here is an internet how to that does not.  Six monthsd and no change in the stump.  Finally busted my ass digging it out..