Monday, February 25, 2013


Since I really can't put/write down my true feelings about anything here all I want to say today is........

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Another hmmmmm day

Well, today I don't have much to say but I do have a lot of time to say it.

Over the weekend I came one mouse click away from applying for Medicare.

But held off from doing so because today we (wife & I) are going to the High Resort facility to get the Presbyterian pitch on their supplemental plan and whether it is what we should do.  Admittedly, even after all we have read we still are not sure on what to do.   We damn sure don't want the fracken gov't to rape us with penalties if I don't sign up now.  Will be turning 65 in a couple of months. Frikken gov't. 

Maybe we can get away with just the medicare Part A.  Who knows.