Friday, September 28, 2012

Teens Laugh While Viciously Beating Woman...

SHOCK VIDEO: Teens Laugh While Viciously Beating Woman...

Read the readers comments and there was this one .... Was impressed and I guess I not a very good progressive. 
Fer sure she is gonna get trashed by the lefties.  And I told myself I was not going to any more of this crap... I just can't help myself..
§ African Americans have long refused to ask the question about why so many African Americans revert to violence and crime. As a young Hispanic woman, I have been looking for an answer to that question regarding members of my own ethnicity.

When misguided Liberal politicians treat human beings like they treat animals in a zoo -- by feeding them, clothing them, housing them, training them and taking care of their medical needs -- then why does it surprise us when those human beings revert to animal-like violence? After all, part of the human experience is to take responsibility for one's actions. When the government takes this responsibility, you no longer know how to behave.

Language, cultural differences and poverty don't cause this. After all, there are many different minority groups that are a segment that are poor but for whom the statistics vary little in terms of criminal activity. And, of course, there have been many poor people in this country for centuries who didn't laugh when they beat up a woman.

This is a result of the "new slavery" -- in which certain segments of society are in chains to the bones of welfare that are thrown to them by some politicians who long for power.

When a large segment of a culture is willing to forsake their longstanding moral and religious views on issues like abortion and the goals of homosexual activists by voting in the pro-abortion or pro-homosexual activist politicians simply because those politicians promise a few more entitlement perks, then that culture will go into a steady decline.

If you don't believe me, then I dare you to walk through the government projects in any major city after 10 PM at night. If you feel any less safe than walking in the suburbs or small-town America, then you aren't being honest with yourself.

How disgusting............

How disgusting............

I'm not sure why we Christians did not take to the streets and start rioting and beheading folks.  I guess differences in philosophy.....?  Yeah that's it

Malabsorption syndrome

Probably should have seen this sooner.  Puts everything into perspective.  :)

Thought I would just post this because of the excellent info provided.

April 1, 2006 Comments

      Malabsorption syndrome is an alteration in the ability of the intestine to absorb nutrients adequately into the bloodstream. Malabsorption may be due to an abnormality of the gut wall, failure to produce enzymes or bile to aid digestion, or there may be abnormalities of the flora of the gut. Malabsorption may occur for many nutrients or for specific carbohydrates, fats or micro-nutrients. Protein, fats, and carbohydrates normally are absorbed in the small intestine — the small bowel also absorbs about 80 percent of the eight to ten liters of fluid ingested daily.
     Many different conditions affect fluid and nutrient absorption by the intestine. A fault in the digestive process may result from failure of the body to produce the enzymes needed to digest certain foods. Congenital structural defects or diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder, or liver may alter the digestive process. Inflammation, infection, injury or surgical removal of portions of the intestine may inhibit absorption abilities. Reduced length or surface area of intestine available for fluid and nutrient absorption can also result in malabsorption.
Radiation therapy may injure the mucosal lining of the intestine, resulting in diarrhea that may not become evident until several years later. Furthermore, the use of some antibiotics can also affect the bacteria that normally live in the intestine, thus affecting intestinal function.
     Common disorders that can lead to malabsorption syndrome include cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis, celiac disease or gluten enteropathy, short bowel syndrome, intestinal lymphangiectasia, Whipple’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome.
      Malabsorption causes weight loss, glossitis, carpopedal spasms, absent tendon reflexes, cutaneous bruising, flatulence and abdominal distention, bloating or discomfort resulting from increased intestinal bulk and gas production.
The most common symptoms of malabsorption include:
  • anemia, with weakness and fatigue due to inadequate absorption of vitamin B-12, iron, and folic acid 
  • diarrhea, steatorrhea (excessive amount of fat in the stool), and abdominal distention with cramps, bloating, and gas due to impaired water and carbohydrate absorption and irritation from unabsorbed fatty acids. The individual may also report explosive diarrhea with greasy, foul-smelling stools 
  • edema from decreased protein absorption 
  • malnutrition and weight loss due to decreased fat, carbohydrate, and protein absorption 
  • muscle cramping from decreased vitamin D, calcium, and potassium levels 
  • muscle wasting and atrophy due to decreased protein absorption and metabolism 
  • perianal skin burning, itching or soreness due to frequent loose stools
      Irregular heart rhythms may also result from inadequate levels of potassium and other electrolytes. Blood clotting disorders may occur due to a vitamin K deficiency.
      Secondary nutritional deficiencies develop in proportion to the severity of the primary disease and the area of the GI tract involved. Many patients with malabsorption are anemic, usually because of deficiencies of iron (microcytic anemia) and folic acid (megaloblastic anemia) but also from the B vitamins, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K (mainly fat-soluble), and niacin.
Protein malabsorption may lead to hypoproteinemic edema, usually of the lower limbs, and secondary endocrine deficiencies may result from malnutrition due to the high risk of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) deficiency. Moreover, patients with malabsorption will become immunosuppressed due to the nutritional deficiencies.
     Fluid and nutrient monitoring and replacement is essential for any individual with malabsorption syndrome. Hospital-ization may be required to treat severe fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Consultation with a dietitian to assist with nutritional support and meal planning is helpful. If the patient is able to eat, the diet and supplements should provide bulk and be rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins. It is often recommended that those suffering from malabsorption syndrome eat foods as close to already digested form as possible, and eat several small, frequent meals throughout the day, avoiding fluids and foods that promote diarrhea. Intake and output should be monitored, along with the number, color, and consistency of stools.
     Vitamin and mineral supplements are advised. Other helpful supplements may include probiotics and prebiotics.
      “There is no doubt that a healthy digestive system is critical for proper nutrient absorption,” says Tim Gamble, vice president of sales and marketing for Nutraceutix, Inc. “A healthy gut to some extent means that there is a healthy, naturally occurring population of probiotic bacteria present in the intestines. Research indicates that viable, properly delivered probiotics can play a key role in strengthening the function of the intestines from digestion of food to prohibiting pathogenic bacterial growth to immune system stimulation. If one is hoping to gain weight by manipulating or supplementing one’s diet, perhaps beyond that which is considered normal or routine, a healthy gut is critical to allowing one to do so without digestive discomfort or dysfunction. Probiotic supplementation is probably a wise choice before and during a weight gain regimen.”
      Medical management for malabsorption syndrome is dependent upon the cause. (Treatment for tropical sprue consists of folic acid supplements and long-term antibiotics. Whipple’s disease also may require long-term use of antibiotics, such as tetracycline). Management of some individuals may require injections of vitamin B-12 and oral iron supplements. The doctor may also prescribe enzymes to replace missing intestinal enzymes, or antispasmodics to reduce abdominal cramping and associated diarrhea. People with cystic fibrosis and chronic pancreatitis require pancreatic supplements. Those with lactose intolerance or gluten enteropathy will have to modify their diets to avoid foods that they cannot properly digest.

and as soon as I can narrow down the exact address I'll put it here.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Intestinal adaptation after massive intestinal resection

I did not realize that today is Thursday and the last time I wrote anything was Sunday.  Odd week for sure.

Wife found a website that speaks to Intestinal adaptation after massive intestinal resection.  Why we have never seen or read this before is kind of odd but have been told this by the GI doctor.  I believe it is true and is what has started to happen to me as of June of this year.

Anyway here is the website:
and what some of it states.
Authors:   Weale AR, Edwards AG, Bailey M, Lear PA.

Source:  Department of Surgery, Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Hospitals Trust, Westbury on Trym, Bristol BS10 5NB, UK.


     Patients with short bowel syndrome require long term parenteral nutrition support. However, after massive intestinal resection the intestine undergoes adaptation and nutritional autonomy may be obtained. Given that the complications of parenteral nutrition may be life threatening or result in treatment failure and the need for intestinal transplantation, a more attractive option is to wean patients off nutrition support by optimising the adaptive process. The article examines the evidence that after extensive small bowel resection adaptation occurs in humans and focuses on the factors that influence adaptation and the strategies that have been used to optimise this process. The review is based on an English language Medline search with secondary references obtained from key articles. There is evidence that adaptation occurs in humans. Adaptation is a complex process that results in response to nutrient and non-nutrient stimuli. Successful and reproducible strategies to improve adaptation remain elusive despite an abundance of experimental data. Nevertheless given the low patient survival and quality of life associated with other treatments for irreversible intestinal failure it is imperative that clinical research continues into the optimisation of the adaptation.
PMID: 15749794 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC1743223 
Full Text
The Full Text of this article is available as a PDF (95K).

Some small humor for today.
Beetle Bailey Cartoon for Sep/27/2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Coumadin results

    Coumadin results were great.  Had a 2.4 reading.  I know sounds good but the day before, or even today, my reading could be a 3.0.  The good thing that came out of the 2.4 reading was my next visit will be in 3 weeks.  That sure beats the weekly schedule or even the every other week appointments.

    One thing I did not mention yesterday was something really strange happened the night before.   At around 3 AM I had to go to the bathroom ( U folks with SBS know what I'm saying).  So I took off the sleep apnea mask, went to get out of bed and damn near face planted myself against the wall next to the bed. I was either high or drunk am not sure but I was something.  I was able to catch myself and get orientated then wobbled my way to the bathroom.  It really took a long time to go that 15 or so feet.  At one point I thought I was going to resort to crawling my way to the bathroom I was so out of it.

    So finally got there and went to sit on the toilet seat and damn near missed the seat, caught myself and then corrected my aim and sat down.  Then I darn near face planted myself (again) against the wall in front of me.  So I took care of business and reeled and wobbled my way back to the bed.  Somewhere between leaving the bathroom and arriving at the bed there is no memory of that.  Last thing I do remember until 7:30 AM ( an hour and one/half past my normal wake up time) was my head , for lack of a better term, was my head flopping into the pillow and semi pulling the covers over me.


                              Too bad I could not have enjoyed it more.

Humor for today:
Barney Google And Snuffy Smith Cartoon for Sep/21/2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Coumadin Appt today

Well my primary care doc thinks everything is OK with the exception of my iron/blood levels.  Told her about the bone marrow testing the Oncology center wants to do.  She not so subtly said we need to rule out whether or not you have cancer.  What the hell ! ! ! ! !

I told her it was simply amazing to me that now I need to worry about cancer, how stupid is that?  She just looked at me.  To use the amazing word again....  I told her it is amazing to me that these issues never occurred prior to July 9th, 2010. That was the day when I fell down and played dead and they removed my intestines and as fallout from that I now  have major malabsorption issues.  Her response to that.  Your such a miracle guy that I should just be happy and do whatever they think needs to be done.  WTF ! ! ! !


Some humor:
Beetle Bailey Cartoon for Sep/20/2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Another doctors appt.

Sigh.... Another doctors appointment today.  Going to see my primary care doc and she, probably, is going to address the B-12 issue among a couple of other items.  I think I will broach the subject of the hematology doctor and the bone marrow testing.  I guess my red blood cells have mutated since the last blood doc test and visit.  Am not quite sure she has access to the Oncology centers patient information or website but will be interested in what she will have to say.

To be honest I am starting to feel like I am nothing more than dollar signs to these people.

I will have had an appointment with one kind of doctor (or another)  every day this week.  Have had blood drawn both on Monday and Tuesday.  My only appointment free day will be Friday.  Thank God my body is cooperating with me and I am able to do all these visits without the help of my wife.
On a different, and disgusting, note:

Then just check this out.  Not quite comic relief.,3378?showpoll=1

More stupid ACLU stuff:

ACLU Now Actively Aiding Al Qaeda - Talking Points 

ACLU: Arizona immigration policy proven to be racially 

ACLU to represent KKK in Ga. litter program fight -

Automated License Plate Recognition in ... - Las Vegas 

Forced Pregnancy Tests Or Expulsion? ACLU Blasts 

ACLU to protest proposed Hinds saggy pants ban |

Lots more here:

Stupid headlines:  Tell me this country is not going to hell in a hand basket ! !

Student denied entry to Obama speech at university for wearing 'McCain' t-shirt...

COPS: Disabled Woman Dies After Being Beaten By 11-Year-Old Son...

REPORT: Number of able-bodied adults on food stamps doubled after Obama suspended work requirement...

Police: Pennsylvania couple sold neighbor’s lost puppy for $50 

Chef admits cooking wife’s body 

On a more solemn note:  Harvard claim of Jesus’ wife papyrus scrutinized

Back to stupid:

Robber snatches gold chain from 4-yr-old boy 

600-year-old bra found in Austrian castle

Alcoholic Zoo Chimp Gets Sent To Rehab

Tree Exorcist Attacks Parisian Foliage

Drunk Woman Runs Through School Brandishing Sword

Naked Snow Sculpture Declared Indecent, Covered Up

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Grocery Shopping @ Walmart

I knew it was gonna eventually happen but it looks like they have finally decided to do a bone marrow test.  Got 5 weeks to prep, mentally at least.  Told the doc no more pain and if they are gonna do the test,  no pain ! !  !

Had more blood pulled this morning for my Primary Care Physicians meeting tomorrow.  See if that blood test matches up with the one yesterday.  I know that each doc is looking for their own specific items but I wonder if there is any crossover.  Gonna take yesterdays results in to her when I go.

After having my blood drawn I went grocery shopping at Walmart.  Something has gotta be wrong.  The parking lot was basically empty and there were hardly anyone in the store although there was some kind of pep rally going on in the back of the store.  Lot of cheering and hand clapping.  The cult of Walmart?

Semi funny ??

Mother Goose & Grimm Cartoon for Sep/18/2012


Monday, September 17, 2012

Blood Doc

          Have an appointment with the cancer/blood doc today.  Just routine but, again, I know he is going to want to do a bone marrow test.  I betcha on it ! ! !

We will see what happens.
          Still pondering trading the bike for a Corvette.  Not sure the wife likes the idea or not.  Darn ! !  ! !  Maybe if with the weight comes some extra strength things will be OK.

Cartoon for today is:

For Heaven's Sake
For Heaven's Sake Cartoon for Sep/17/2012

and just for me and grins my buddy beetle:

Beetle Bailey Cartoon for Sep/17/2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

More idiocy if true

Just finished a Korean movie called "The Front Line".

The Front Line (2011)
Go-ji-jeon (original title)

A drama centered on the Korean War's final battle that will determine the border between north and south.

Wonder why every Korean movie I have seen has been just outstanding.  Here is another example of a good movie.


Wonder about the truth of this article or how much "spin" has been put in it.

Reports: Marines Not Permitted Live Ammo

Pentagon denies reports on Marine blogs that U.S. embassy did not authorize service members to carry ammo

An Egyptian protester throws a tear gas canister toward riot police during clashes near the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 13, 2012. (AP)
An Egyptian protester throws a tear gas canister toward riot police during clashes near the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 13, 2012. (AP)

UPDATE: A Marine spokesperson at the Pentagon denied reports that U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition in a statement to Fox News Thursday.
Pentagon Lt. Col. Chris Hughes told the outlet: “The ambassador and RSO (Regional Security Officer) have been completely and appropriately engaged with the security situation. No restrictions on weapons or weapons status have been imposed. This information comes from the Det Commander at AMEMB (American Embassy) Cairo.”
The statement came in response to reports that U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition.
Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson “did not permit U.S. Marine guards to carry live ammunition,” according to multiple reports on U.S. Marine Corps blogs spotted by Nightwatch. “She neutralized any U.S. military capability that was dedicated to preserve her life and protect the US Embassy.”
Time magazine’s Battleland blog also reported Thursday that “senior U.S. officials late Wednesday declined to discuss in detail the security at either Cairo or Benghazi, so answers may be slow in coming.”
If true, the reports indicate that Patterson shirked her obligation to protect U.S. interests, Nightwatch states.
“She did not defend U.S. sovereign territory and betrayed her oath of office,” the report states. “She neutered the Marines posted to defend the embassy, trusting the Egyptians over the Marines.”
While Marines are typically relied on to defend U.S. territory abroad, such as embassies, these reports indicate that the Obama administration was relying on Egypt’s new Muslim Brotherhood-backed government to ensure American security, a move observers are questioning as violence in Cairo continues to rage.
Marc Toner, the State Department’s deputy spokesperson, did not respond to a request for comment from the Free Beacon. White House National Security Council spokesperson Tommy Vietor also did not respond to a request for comment.
The U.S. ambassador to any nation ultimately decides whether Marines are authorized to carry ammunition, according to a GOP national security adviser knowledgeable about American embassy protocols.
“In the end, the ambassador of any country has the final call on what to do in a country,” the source said. “The buck stops with you. You make every decision.”
Security procedures are subjective and subject to change depending on locale, the source said.
Each ambassador, in consultation with their Regional Security Officer (RSO), sets the policy regarding the rules of engagement, according to the adviser. The RSO is responsible for coordinating all security measures and reports directly to the ambassador in any given nation.
“A decision or order to set rules of engagement that you can’t carry live ammunition and can’t engage violent crowds climbing over your walls and tearing down your flag stems from direct orders from the Chief of Mission and possibly whoever the Chief of Mission reports to,” the source explained.
Given that the siege of the Cairo embassy unfolded over many hours, the source wondered if new orders pertaining to the rules of engagement were ever issued.
Ambassador Patterson was in Washington D.C. during the attacks, according to reports.
“I cannot believe that over an eight hour period that nobody … in that chain of command did not ask those questions of their superiors,” the source said. “These protestors did not just appear and within 20 minutes climb the wall.”
Several sources familiar with foreign embassies in international hotspots who contacted the Free Beacon said that the U.S. government often adheres to a policy of not permitting security officers and other personnel to carry loaded weapons.
Others indicated that in some instances, embassy personnel were prohibited from carrying weapons on embassy grounds altogether.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I am deeply ashamed of of whom we have as our elected officials.  Progressive apologists all of them.
Then check out this head line:  Obama Invites Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President to Meet Next Week – Refuses to Meet Netanyahu

I am sickened by this administration and I hope after November 6th they are no longer in office.

Here is their most recent apologist undertaking - - - see -  everything is OUR fault because we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.  I say enough is enough.  Let them all rot without any of our help or our dollars.  Let them fall back into the stone age ...  freaking muslim animals.
*****************************************************************Issued before the Ambassador was killed:

September 11, 2012
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others

And reissued after the murder with no changes.


Check this out.

For the Western mind, perhaps the most disturbing fact about Islam is that its founder had a sexual relationship with a nine-year-old girl. Because of this, it has become increasingly popular in some circles to refer to the Prophet of Islam as a "pedophile." This is, of course, extremely offensive to Muslims, who view Muhammad as the ideal servant of God and as the greatest example of what a man should strive to be. Nevertheless, Muhammad’s relationship with a young girl presents a problem for Muslims, especially for those who want to share their faith with others.

Naw ......... he is not a child molester - Sun does not rise every day does it?

Read the whole thing. 

An Examination of Muhammad’s Relationship with a Nine-Year-Old Girl By David Wood




Or even, God forbid, do your own research and make your own mind up.

Tuesday & another remembrance

No one can hate war more than those who fight in it.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Yard Work on a Monday

Did the yards today.  Weed whacked and mowed.  Feel pretty good about it although I had to stop once and sit for a while.  Loss the use of the right leg again.   'Tis a shame they (doctors) don't, or won't, fix it.  My heart is back to it's normal (for me) behavior so they should be able to do it.  Oh well just whining.

Trimmed the neighbor's grape vine  that has distorted the Blue Spruce tree.  Also trimmed some of the branches off of the tree.  See what happens.

What a great image.  Lifted off of Facebook.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Got the B-12 shot and the Coumadin level was 3.2.  Dang it but my body has changed so much, anyway, lowered the dosage once again only taking 1/2 dosage 4 days a week now.

Todays grin:

Barney Google And Snuffy Smith Cartoon for Sep/07/2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

B-12 & Coumadin for day 249

   Watched former president Clinton speak last night.  Gotta give the guy credit because it was a heck of a speech.  Isn't it amazing how the word "god" creates so much controversy in the ""democratic"" party.  Maybe they ought to be renamed the demonographic party.  How do you liberals deal with yourself?  Betcha sleep real good at night, huh?  At least the republicans have no heartburn using the word god....  Oh well.

Getting another B-12 shot today then on to see the Coumadin doc.  Last time  I had a 3.6 reading.  Consequently made a small adjustment to the Coumadin dosage so we will see what happens today.

For grins today:
Barney Google And Snuffy Smith Cartoon for Sep/06/2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Stats for August

Well here are the monthly statistics for August 2012.  Check out the weight stats.  I wonder if this is indicative of what is left of my small intestine getting larger in diameter.   If it is then on to a real recovery.  Don't need to gain all of my weight back because I am stating to like my new slimmer look ! !  !!
  I think it is a total of 20+ pounds gained since getting out of the hospital the end of December 2011.