Friday, August 31, 2012

Susana Martinez's speech

IF this is true then this epitomizes why I dislike President Obama and what he stands for - and notice I said if true:

where on the other hand he did this:

Which of the two above do you like.... Oh wait . . .  you liberal, progressive whatever................ I know which one! !

Pretty funny:
Barney Google And Snuffy Smith Cartoon for Aug/31/2012

And back to the political front but why has not Susana Martinez's speech been covered by the regular networks  ABC, NBC, & CBS?  Heck those idiots over at MSNBC covered her whole speech and said nothing bad about her (can ya believe it)

See her speech on You Tube and then read some of the evil nasty comments.  What the hell IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE ! ! ! !  !

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Busy Work

Going to work on the windows on the west side of the house today because the sprinklers have left water marks and calcium deposits on them.  So I gotta scrape the calcium off and polish them back to being clear glass again.

This is where I need to be drinking my dearly beloved beer to do this.  It is absolutely boring scut work but it must be done.  Although I have not had any alcohol since I fell down and played dead, mainly because I am worried on how my body will react I guess.  I keep saying I'm gonna have a beer but I never do.  Maybe Friday.

Beetle Bailey Cartoon for Aug/29/2012

On a nasty political note:

 I have edited the below because what I wrote was just as nasty as these people are.  Don't need in depth comments about the KKK or the Nazi's.

     What makes people like Samuel Jerkson, Ellen BarFin, Rush Limberger, and even the doofus from MSNBC - Chrissy Matthews such nasty human beings?

      These people are just plain ignorant but what is more of a shame is that normal people take their words to heart.  I should probably not even pay attention to what these fools say and don't let them get me all riled up.  I'm glad I don't have much longer on this earth.  Makes me ill.  And then they get called on it and they some half assed apology and we buy it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Just misc stuff

       I was able to mow the yards yesterday without any physical problems , well almost no problems..  Good deal although after using the weed whacker my arm had tremors or did it tremble.. hmmmm.  Anyway after using it I could hardly pick up my drink.  It has been two years since I fell down and played dead and I'm still recovering.  OK 'nough of the whining.

A beetle toon.

Beetle Bailey Cartoon for Aug/28/2012

        Had a massive scare Sunday.  We had not seen Rags (our dog) for a while and I went looking for him.  Normally he is right by Kathy, or on the futon, or in his bed, or standing and looking out the east side yards gate.  He was nowhere in the house and not outside but I happened to notice out of the master bedroom's window that the west side yard's gate was open.  Guess the wind blew it open.

      Walked out back to the RV gate, opened it, went out ion to the driveway and there was Rags just coming out of the neighbor's front porch.  That is such unusual behavior out of Rags that I was almost speechless.  He normally would never go past the  side yard gate but this time he did and since I had the garage doors open about 3 foot he went through the garage and over to the neighbors.  Kept the panic out of my voice and told him to get home, he did, and I breathed a sigh of relief.  My fault really because I left the garage doors open and had not made sure the side yard gate was firmly latched.  Scary. Only the 2nd time in eight years that something like this has happened.

     On to a light note.  I could not believe haw lazy I was on Saturday.  Since the wife is recovering from her surgery she was laying on the couch watching TV while I was reading the Hunger Games Trilogy.   We ended up watching MTV's Teen Mom series the whole day and up until 1130 that night.  Goofy crazy.... still can't believe we did something like that especially me because I can't stand that kind of crap.

Oh well.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Draft dodger - 8-24-12

Not quite sure on how I feel about this one.  For some reason I don't believe a draft dodger would really have the intestinal fortitude to do it.

Beetle Bailey Cartoon for Aug/24/2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Getting my B-12 shot today plus seeing my Coumadin doc.  See how things go.  First appointment at 3:30 pm or 1530 hours.  Pick which one pleases you.

Went shopping for groceries with the wife this morning.  She is healing up slowly but was able to walk and give me directions so things are not to bad.

Just for grins.  This was a program I worked on back in the "good old days".  Now just a cold war memory.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

8-21-12 Hunger Games

Maybe I said something before.. don't remember yesterday..

Never went to the movies to see the Hunger Games but just waited until it came out on DVD.  Bought it the other day and watched it.  During the middle of the movie I realized I really like it and bought the trilogy via my Kindle.  Am now reading them.

How in the world did these books ever escape from my view?

Monday, August 20, 2012

To start the week off:

Normal weekend - did not do much.  Bought the Blu Ray and watched "The Hunger Games".  Was as good or if not better (IMHO) than "Avatar".  Mid way through the movie I bought the Hunger Games trilogy for my Kindle.  As soon as I finish the current book I will start on them.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Feeling Unappreciated

Screwed up.  Been feeling a little lazy so I have not mowed the yard in 3 weeks.  Grass got a little high but since it has been so hot outside I  felt I did not want to shock the grass.  Yep screwed up all right, should have said screw the grass.  Took me all day to mow what little yard we have.

Besides being a little tall it held a ton of moisture so the lawn mower kept plugging up. Thought I would never get done with the yard.  Body hurt pretty good but the shower felt wonderful.  Sigh.. won't do that again this year.

Massive rain storms all around us... not a drop here.  Temp dropped a little over 20 degrees in less than an hour and was hoping it would hit us.

Been Feeling Unappreciated??

The next time you feel that nobody loves you,

no one cares, or that no one ever notices you,
think of this guy:

Things Got Ya Down? Well Then, Consider These . . ..

In a hospital's Intensive Care Unit, patients always died in the same bed, on Sunday morning, at about 11:00 am, regardless of their medical condition. This puzzled the doctors and some even thought it had something to do with the super natural. No one could solve the mystery as to why the deaths occurred around 11:00 AM Sunday, so a worldwide team of experts was assembled to investigate the cause of the incidents. The next Sunday morning, a few minutes before 11:00 AM all of the doctors and nurses nervously waited outside the ward to see for themselves what the terrible phenomenon was all about. Some were holding wooden crosses, prayer books, and other holy objects to ward off the evil spirits. Just when the clock struck 11:00, Pookie Johnson , the part-time Sunday sweeper, entered the ward and unplugged the life support system so he could use the vacuum cleaner.

Still Having a Bad Day? 
 The average cost of rehabilitating a seal after the Exxon Valdez Oil spill in Alaska was $80,000.00. At a special ceremony, two of the most expensively saved animals were being released back into the wild amid cheers and applause from onlookers. A minute later, in full view, a killer whale ate them both.

Still think you are having a Bad Day? 
 A woman came home to find her husband in the kitchen shaking frantically, almost in a dancing frenzy, with some kind of wire running from his waist towards the electric kettle. Intending to jolt him away from the deadly current, she whacked him with a handy plank of wood, breaking his arm in two places. Up to that moment, he had been happily listening to his Walkman.

Are Ya OK Now? - No? 
 Two animal rights defenders were protesting the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse in Bonn, Germany. Suddenly, all two thousand pigs broke loose and escaped through a broken fence, stampeding madly. The two helpless protesters were trampled to death.

                                             What? STILL having a Bad Day?
Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet didn't pay enough postage on a letter bomb. It came back with 'Return to Sender' stamped on it. Forgetting it was the bomb; he opened it and was blown to bits. God is good!

There now, Feeling Better?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wife home from Hospital

Wife home from her overnight sojourn in the hospital.  Sore and moving around slowly.  But she is home and everything went well.

Mutts Cartoon for Aug/15/2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

Beetle Bailey

One of my all time favorite cartoons is Beetle Bailey and today's cartoon kinda hits home with all the drugs I have to take and now being retired I forget what day it is sometimes.

If you have ever been in the military some of Beetle Bailey cartoons will surely strike home ! !

Beetle Bailey Cartoon for Aug/10/2012.

There is a ton of items regarding good ole Beetle.  As a matter of fact just do a Google search via Internet Explorer and get around 860,000 results in 0.18 seconds.

Do Google via Firefox and get about 860,000 results in 0.12 seconds.

And strangely enough  using Google Chrome and Google as the search engine received about 860,000 results 0.25 seconds.

The very first cartoon published on Sept. 4, 1950. As you can see it was a very different person than he is today.  He was originally a college freshman!

Beetle and Sarge with Otto the pooch.


       - - an excerpt from the website:  ""MORT WALKER first debuted the unforgettable Beetle Bailey in newspapers in 1950. Now boasting a massive worldwide daily audience of more than 200 million strong, Walker's legendary character is quintessentially American. The loose, lackadaisical and utterly likable Beetle takes a hilariously insightful look at our innate distaste for authority – and our relentless pursuit of a good time. Beetle Bailey is now a classic anti-hero, who embodies two distinctly American qualities: resiliency... and humor.
           Mort Walker and Dr. Romanelli have come together to re-invent this classic comic strip as new high-concept apparel line, giving it a contemporary twist while paying homage to its Americana/Military roots.""

      Visit the official website of cartoonist Mort Walker creator of Beetle Bailey and Hi & Lois .

      An archive for Beetle cartoons does not have all of 'em but plenty to keep you reading.

      And if you trust - heck even if you don't -  Wikipedia see what they have compiled:
      Vince Staten's salute to Beetle's 60th birthday.

      And one - no 2 - last cartoon for the road:

      Wednesday, August 8, 2012

      Serious thoughts

      To have a serious conversation on almost any subject involves having some knowledge, opinions , some sort of a belief system, and an open (but not linear) mind.  Argue if you want but that's my observation.

      Conversation Theory:

      or just google conservation theory yourself.

      And to prove it just have a discussion with a religious zealot, a racist, or an atheist.

      While in the hospital's ICU unit, once awake and off the heavy duty drugs, I had a lot of time to think.  One of those times I had thought to myself (as opposed to someone else) and excluding my belief in God and any life thereafter), would I have known if I died.

         Since I have no memory (with the exception of one snapshot of a friend just sitting and staring at me & I have no idea at what time that was but must have been in the very beginning and before surgeries)  starting with the emergency room until I woke a week or so later.  Bad sentence but so what.

      While reading a mind candy book I ran across paragraph:

                             "Anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff and cosmologist Roger Penrose theorized that consciousness arose from the quantum mechanisms of microtubules inside the brain's neurons. Other research showed anesthesia terminates consciousness by binding to specific proteins on those microtubules. Did this mean consciousness really terminates under anesthesia, or do our brains just fail to record the memories? If we die under anesthesia, does consciousness rekindle itself? in some other manner?"

      Stuart Hameroff, a physician and researcher, at the University Medical Center in  Tucson, AZ - -

      Roger Penrose is an English mathematical physicist, recreational mathematician, philosopher and Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford, as well as Emeritus Fellow of Wadham College.
      He received  Wolf Prize for physics which he shared with Stephen Hawking for their contribution to our understanding of the universe.

      See him talk about 'The Problem of Conciousness'.

      The point of all this?

      Tuesday, August 7, 2012

      7 Aug 2012 - Doctor's visit

         Saw my primary care doctor yesterday.  A 20 minute appointment turned into something along the lines of 30 to 45 minutes.  She likes to talk.  (grin) My B-12 was down but she does not like it even though it is within the standard range. My last B-12 shot was month ago.
         She has decided to go back to giving me the B-12 shot once every week, test my blood for B-12 level in a month, and go from there.

         Other than the B-12 levels everything else was OK.  Lower than she would like on a couple but still within safe parameters.

      I became uncomfortable several times during the visit.  Not that much does make me uncomfortable anymore but yesterday.....

         She said, multiple times, while in conversation, what a walking miracle I was.  I really -  really do understand a lot of folks who have had what has happened to me do not survive.  I think I have talked about the survival statistics several times before and how low it is.  Maybe I ought to try and find the most current stat....

         Anyway I, for some odd reason, just don't have that high of an appreciation level for my survival.   I know she and several other doctors have remarked upon how lucky (for lack of a better term) I am.  Just don't see it. Which leads to I expect to survive and once I don't I won't........  I can hear the extreme***cut****** cut +++cut++++++cut++++choice we make.
          Maybe because I lost brain cells and my IQ went down (j/k)?
      B-12 from my on-line chart.  See the difference since the last blood test?
      Component   Your Value      Standard Range        Units        Flag
      Vitamin B12          395         211 - 911        pg/mL
      This one was from May 31st:
      Vitamin         B12    194           211 - 911                   pg/mL          L
        Please note(& I know u really don't care) that I had a lot of problems translating the tables to work in blogger so have done via JPGs.  Works better I think.
      Here are some of the other results.

      And the cartoon for the day:
      Beetle Bailey Cartoon for Aug/07/2012

      Monday, August 6, 2012


      Today I have an appointment with my Primary Care Physician. (PCP).  Have a few questions I need to ask but we will probably go over my last test results.  Results were not perfect but most were within range.

      Nothing much else to report because nothing much happened over the weekend.  What little did happen was we went shopping with the wife buying a dress and me getting a link taken out of my watch band.  Feels nice to have the watch fit me instead of sliding up and down my arm all the time. Also bought ring expanders so that I can wear my wedding ring once again.  Costs about 30 dollars if I take it into a jeweler to resize but only 5 bucks for the plastic ones.  I know Mr Cheap.

      Did have some friends stop by.  The last time we saw them was Thanksgiving.  Really nice evening spent swapping  lies and laughing.

      He had some concerns that if I swapped the bike out for a Corvette I was making a mistake because the 'Vette was yellow in color and that it was a C-4 and not a C-5

      Potential swap for the bike.
      Did believe that I should look at converting the bike to a trike but I don't want to spend 10K of retirement dollars.  It looked like I was going to close out this chapter of my life and that would have been so sad.  Even my daughter stated "did he have a death wish" when she found out I had ridden the bike on Friday for a couple of miles.  She, and my wife, are probably right but still, it is an extremely emotional issue for me which I truly think no one gives a dam about.  
      Oh well to each their own

      Maybe the cheaper version of  3 wheels might make my last few years OK.

      Check them out.

      Copy and past to your browser if all else fails.

      Friday, August 3, 2012

      Oh how true.. Beetle

      Coumadin level from yesterday - - Wait for it - - - - Wait ........   2.6 ! ! ! !
      Now it will be a 3 week interval before I get it checked again.

      Beetle Bailey Cartoon for Aug/03/2012

      Stop the Violence !  ! ! !

      Thursday, August 2, 2012

      Hospital-2 years ago - Might be objectionable ! ! !

      Thought about not doing this but what the heck.  Kinda long.

            The first 3 pictures came off of my daughter's cell phone.  I guess if I would have died she would have had something to remember me by.  Must have been 10 monitors hooked up to me.  I have no idea at what point, or where, in time I was at.  1st week in ICU, 2nd week?  I still look like I have some weight on me so it must have been pretty soon after the surgeries. As I said am not sure when was taken. Hold the presses - - I just figured out how to tell when it was.  Looked at the pictures properties and the first 3 were taken on 14 July 2010 at around 4:30 PM.  I do know (well not really but is what I have been told) I was in restraints because I kept trying to remove the hose in my nose and my mouth.  Only one faint memory do I have and that is when 4 nurses piled on top of me to restrain me and I was begging them to not put the hoses back in me.  They ignored me and put them back in.  What a bad patient I was . .sheesh.

      In ICU

      In ICU

      In ICU
      Below #4 - Pretty Ugly pic....... Now that is a forced smile for sure.

      # 4 taken on 19 July 2010 @ around 7:10 PM

         This was the start of my most drastic weight loss.  My body started to reject any and everything in my system.  Somewhere and I will try to find it is picture of a white board where I started to write down the times I had to go to the bathroom.

      Ahh here is one, only used as a representation, Oct 2010 stay in the hospital.


      *WARNING* * EXPLICIT INFO * * * *  

      I was going once every 45 minutes and there were times I would leave a trail of blood and feces from the bed to the bathroom.  I became extremely dehydrated and the nurses were giving me hell because I would not drink anything.  I was so afraid of going to the bathroom I would almost cry every time I would have to go.

      Below pic #5 - - This picture just kills me.  Must have been one my wife took and sent to my daughter.  It was my first meal once I was out of ICU about a week before I went home.  I could not believe how much food they piled on the tray or at least it seemed that way to me.  I think I drank a little bit of whatever they gave me and nothing of the solids.

      #5 - - My first REAL meal and which was not TPN

      And now a couple of before and after.  


      AND After

      Although I'm 75-80 pounds lighter it does not seem like there is much difference but believe me there is.